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Frau Dipl.-Volksw. Neli Gospodinova-Liebschwager

State:  Nordrhein-Westfalen  Court / Government agency:  Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf  File number:  316E-6.4322 

Personal data
Name: Frau Dipl.-Volksw. Neli Gospodinova-Liebschwager
Adress: 47809 Krefeld Breitenbachstraße 16 Mobile phone: 0160/66 45 148
Phone: 02151/48 29 249
Email address: Fax: 02151/48 29 250
Internet address: Home country::

Business information
Business address: Breitenbachstraße 16, 47809 Krefeld Mobile phone: 0160/66 45 148
Phone: 02151/48 29 249
Email address: Fax: 02151/48 29 250

Additional information
Job description: Dolmetscherin/Übersetzerin Service hours:
Industry / Profession / Additional qualification

Language Interpreter Date from Until Appl. for renewal Translator Date from Until Appl. for renewal
Bulgarisch Generally sworn-in ja 17.09.2024
Legal basis for the general oath/Registration
ja State law ja Federal law
Publicly appointed
Legal basis for the official appointment
Authorized ja 17.09.2024
Legal basis for the autorisation
Temporarily working
Government agency of domicile state
Profession not regulated in domicile state
Official authorization, appointment and administration of oath not completed

Language Interpreter Date from Until Appl. for renewal Translator Date from Until Appl. for renewal
Russisch Generally sworn-in ja 03.09.2025
Legal basis for the general oath/Registration
ja State law ja Federal law
Publicly appointed
Legal basis for the official appointment
Authorized ja 03.09.2025
Legal basis for the autorisation
Temporarily working
Government agency of domicile state
Profession not regulated in domicile state
Official authorization, appointment and administration of oath not completed