Interpreter | Application for renewal submitted |
Translator | Application for renewal submitted |
Generally sworn-in | 28.03.2022 - 30.03.2028 | |||||||||
Legal basis for the general oath/Registration |
State law
Federal law
Publicly appointed | 28.03.2022 - 31.03.2028 | |||||||||
Legal basis for the official appointment |
State law
Federal law
Authorized | ||||||||||
Legal basis for the autorisation |
Temporarily working | ||||||||||
Profession not regulated in domicile state | ||||||||||
Official authorization, appointment and administration of oath not completed | ||||||||||
Government agency of domicile state |
Interpreter | Application for renewal submitted |
Translator | Application for renewal submitted |
Generally sworn-in | 13.07.2022 - 30.03.2028 | |||||||||
Legal basis for the general oath/Registration |
State law
Federal law
Publicly appointed | 13.07.2022 - 30.03.2028 | |||||||||
Legal basis for the official appointment |
State law
Federal law
Authorized | ||||||||||
Legal basis for the autorisation |
Temporarily working | ||||||||||
Profession not regulated in domicile state | ||||||||||
Official authorization, appointment and administration of oath not completed | ||||||||||
Government agency of domicile state |
PersonId | Last name | First name | Languages | Postal code | City | Street address | Phone | Last update |